Conal 030215 pictures


5 of 6 plus Natasha.jpg A Lizard for Jim.jpg A Present for Willy.jpg Anna Surrounded.jpg Buddies.jpg Cousins.jpg
Dad, Tiger and Holger.jpg Fiona and Natasha.jpg Framed for the Fifties.jpg Game Time.jpg Happy Faces.jpg It's a Salt Shaker.jpg
Jim, Luke, Pat.jpg Joseph's Lost Bank.jpg Katie, Mom, Willy.jpg Louisa and Antony.jpg Marianne in Beatnik Dress.jpg More Presents.jpg
Present Time.jpg Reading of Willy Poems.jpg Robert and Willy at Willy's Fiftieth.JPG Tater Tots for Breakfast.jpg That Cat is Back.jpg The Cake.jpg
The Marguerites.jpg The Tasters.jpg Willy, Conal, Louisa, Joseph.jpg